Mrs Helen Collinson
Chair/Foundation Governor
Pay & Personnel Committee
Curriculum Committee (Chair)
Mr Andrew Malley
Vice Chair/Foundation Governor
Finance & Premises Committee (Chair)
Fr John Hovington
Foundation Governor
Pay & Personnel Committee
Curriculum Committee
Mrs Tina Cleugh
Foundation Governor
Curriculum Committee
Mr Philip Sharp
Foundation Governor
Curriculum Committee
Finance & Premises Committee
Mrs Julie Merry
Foundation Governor
Curriculum Committee
Ms Janet Drury
LA Governor
Finance & Premises Committee
Mrs Sarah Parry
Head Teacher Governor
Pay & Personnel Committee
Curriculum Committee
Finance & Premises Committee
Mr Stephen Gregson
Staff Governor
Curriculum Committee
Finance & Premises Committee
Mrs Sally Dowd
Parent Governor
Pay & Personnel Committee
Curriculum Committee
Mrs Gina Hughes
Parent Governor
Finance & Premises Committee
Curriculum Committee
Mrs Sarah Evans
Associate Governor
Curriculum Committee
Finance & Premises Committee
Mrs Sarah Martin
Associate Governor
Curriculum Committee
Below we have included a detailed list of the responsibilities each committee within the governing body has:
Curriculum Committee
- To consider and advise the governing body on standards and other matters relating to the school’s curriculum, including statutory requirements and the School’s Curriculum Policy
- To consider curricular issues which have implications for Finance and Personnel decisions and to make recommendations to the relevant committees or the Governing Body
- To make arrangements for the Governing Body to be represented at School Improvement discussions with the LA and for reports to be received by the Governing Body
- To oversee arrangements for individual governors to take a leading role in specific areas of provision, eg SEN, Literacy, Numeracy. To receive regular reports from them and advise the Governing Body.
- To oversee arrangements for educational visits, including the appointment of a named co-coordinator
Pay & Personnel Committee
- To draft and keep under review the staffing structure in consultation with the Head teacher and the Finance Committee
- To establish a Salary Policy for all categories of staff and to be responsible for its administration and review
- To oversee the appointment procedure for all staff
- To establish and review a Performance Management policy for all staff*
- To oversee the process leading to staff reductions
- To keep under review staff work/life balance, working conditions and well-being, including the monitoring of absence
- To make recommendations on personnel related expenditure to the Finance Committee
Finance & Premises Committee
- In consultation with the Head teacher, to draft the first formal budget plan of the financial year
- To establish and maintain an up to date 3 year financial plan
- To consider a budget position statement including virement decisions at least termly and to report significant anomalies from the anticipated position to the Governing Body
- To ensure that the school operates within the Financial Regulations of the Council
- To monitor expenditure of all voluntary funds kept on behalf of the Governing Body
- To annually review charges and remissions policies and expenses policies.
- To make decisions in respect of service agreements
- To make decisions on expenditure following recommendations from other committees
- To ensure, as far as is practical, that Health and Safety issues are appropriately prioritised
- To determine whether sufficient funds are available for pay increments as recommended by the Head teacher
- In the light of the Head teacher Performance Management Group’s recommendations, to determine whether sufficient funds are available for increments
- To advise the Governing Body on priorities, including Health and Safety, for the maintenance and development of the school’s premises
- To oversee arrangements for repairs and maintenance
- To make recommendations to the Finance Committee on premises-related expenditure
- In consultation with the Head teacher and the Finance Committee, to oversee premises-related funding bids
- To oversee arrangements, including Health and Safety, for the use of school premises by outside users, subject to governing body policy
- To establish and keep under review a Building Development Plan
- To establish and keep under review an Accessibility plan